Storme the Cat
Howdy, I'm Storme the Cat! I'm an active moderator on the Sabotage Studio Discord server and I'm always open to DMs and pings!I love chiptune and 2000s rock music, Nintendo, D&D, cartoons, etymology, vexillology, Sonic the Hedgehog, Halo, and my husband Felix!
My username tag on Discord is @stormethecat and I'm always open to DMs and pings, although I might not get back to you immediately. If you're looking for support, please inquire within the appropriate channel rather than DMs. If we don't share a server with each other or any mutual friends and I don't recognize your username, then unfortunately I'm going to have to decline any friend requests due to safety reasons. You'll have to find another way to contact me.
🟢 Online – I'm available right now! You could message me and I'll probably get to it pretty soon, if I'm not already having a conversation with someone else.🌙 Idle – I'm still here, I just haven't checked Discord within ten minutes. I'm probably watching something or playing a game. My status usually says what I'm doing!🔘 Offline – I'm either at work, asleep, about to be asleep, or should be sleeping. Unfortunately, that means I can't get to you in a timely manner. I sometimes check my phone at work, so you might see me regardless, but I can't reliably moderate or provide support at this time.
However, absolutely message or ping me anyway and I'll read it and get back to you as soon as I'm able to again!📱 Mobile – I'm online, but I'm away from my PC. I'm probably on my way home from work, out with friends, my husband is currently using the PC, or I'm in the shower. I'm technically available, but with all the power of a smartphone. Basically, I'll try to respond to you, but I might not be as fast as I would be on PC.⛔ Do Not Disturb – I don't think I've ever used this status before. I try to be reachable whenever possible. If for some reason I am on DND, it's probably something serious and will hopefully be resolved soon.If you're still nervous about messaging or pinging me when I'm not online, just add @silent to the beginning of your message and it will suppress any sounds or popups and I'll check the unread badge later.
Video Games
If you're feeling generous, here's my Switch and Steam wishlists. Switch is preferred, but not everything is available there.
Want to know what games I already own? Here they are!
What is Sabotage Studio?
Sabotage Studio is an indie video game studio based in Québec. They are responsible for a Ninja Gaiden inspired platformer called The Messenger which released in 2018. They are currently working on a Chrono Trigger inspired RPG called Sea of Stars which is slated for a Holiday 2022 release.While I don't directly work for and get paid by Sabotage, they're very important to me and I am a regular member of their community on Discord and volunteer to help moderate their server. I even got a shoutout on their website! If you're more interested in their work and would like to discuss lore, gameplay, and just generally hang out, feel free to join the Discord server!
Our server even got its own Discord blog post!

Who is Felix?
Felix is my husband! He is very smol and I love him. We've been together since April 24th, 2016. He enjoys streaming on Twitch and RPing on Tumblr. We're in an open polyamorous relationship.
What does that mean?
Polyamory means something different depending on who you ask, so I'll just define it as what it means for us. It means that although we're in a happily married relationship, we're still open to dating other people as well. We communicate everything to each other, so there's no secrets. It's not cheating. I'm still loyal to Felix and I love him very much, I consider him to be my "main" romantic relationship. Any other people that might get romantically involved with us would be informed of this and made sure that they're comfortable with it as well.
Although similar, this isn't exactly the same as being "swingers" as this is about romantic relationships and not sexual ones. However for us specifically I suppose the same rules apply, so we could technically be considered both in an open polyamorous relationship and swingers, but that also makes it sound like we're doing this actively and searching for partners at all times.
It sounds more complicated than it is. There's a set of rules just like any other relationship, ours is just atypical. If you have any questions, just ask!